ABOUT eChart Acuity
eChart Acuity is an Eyecare Products Development Group solution.
The original eChart Acuity Software was released in 1997, when there were few options other than the traditional projector, and computer hardware was barely up to the task required by eye doctors in the exam room. The latest release continues to evolve the software as advancements in hardware and software allow more features and stability.
Mark L. Buehnerkemper, OD
Eyecare Products Development Group is led by Dr. Mark Buehnerkemper, a software developer and practicing optometrist in a small northern California town since 1996. He attended the Southern California College of Optometry and graduated with distinction in 1996. Prior to entering optometry school, Dr. Mark completed a degree in physics and worked in the aerospace industry as a materials scientist in the electro-optical field. He was lead engineer in developing several automated production and material measurement systems, which included software design and programming.
Contact Info
Email: support@echartacuity.com